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Clubhouse app, great place to socially distance while networking during the pandemic!!!


Clubhouse is an audio chat “houseparty” social media networking app. You can tune in any hour of the day and listen, participate and join discussions with people of like interests. For upcoming music industry artists, labels and managers it is like being back stage at the Grammy’s.

Clubhouse is invite only and available only on I-phones and I-pads. You have to be invited by a current member who “vouches” for you and it is like being on the “A” list at the most popular club in town but virtually.

When you join, you pick key words that represent topics of interest to you such as music. The app then populates rooms and individuals that align you’re your interests. It will also show you people who are listed in your contacts that are already on clubhouse that you can follow.


· Offers the ability to connect and engage with professionals, in real time, that may be outside your circle of contacts;

· Rooms can be scheduled or spontaneous and allows for many different people to gather to converse;

· Rooms are focused on delivering high-value conversations and not produced content;

· Clubhouse is an audio app which appeals to people who do not have to be concerned about visual perceptions.

Clubhouse activities:

Community education and coaching: Is a welcome place for people who want to aid communities and teach and also for students who want to access industry professionals. This app makes it possible to interact with industry giants, ask a question and receive an answer in real time.

Virtual events: Clubhouse hosts virtual events such as “Lion King” and teaching events, along with the interviews of promienent people. Elom Musk and Puff Daddy, are some examples of personalities that have been interviewed live on the app.

Club houses: Members of the app can apply for a clubhouse room and host events in alignment with their brand. Members on the app can join the club or follow the club.

Colloborations: Clubhouse is a conduit to networking and creating a space where individuals that were unknown to them, can meet and collaborate on projects and businesses.

Podcasts: Some club rooms are set up and used as a live podcast.

Recording of clubhouse rooms is ONLY permissible if everyone in the room is aware and agrees. It must be added to the title of the room and the room’s rules.

How do I get a Clubhouse invite?

To be invited to Clubhouse platform there are 2 methods:

Personal invite: If you are invited to Clubhouse, you are given one invite. This invite should be used sparingly as invites are hard to come by and the person invited is forever tied to your account. Should that person do something wrong and get kicked off the app you may be at risk. Make sure to send it to someone who has an i-phone as this app is not available on Android currently.

Back door invite: You can also download the app on your i-phone and reserve your username. If you have a lot of friends using Clubhouse they may receive a notification that you are on the waiting list and they can let you in.

Once you join Clubhouse:

Bio: Clubhouse does not limit how many characters you use to write your bio. However, it is probably best to create it in a word doc and cut and paste it into your clubhouse profile because clubhouse only allows for plain text. In order to stand out you may want to add emojis and spacing is easier if you create the bio in a word doc. Just remember the most important part of your bio is the first 3 lines. These 3 lines are available as a preview while you are in the clubhouse rooms.

The only clickable links on your profile are your Twitter and Instagram profile links. You cannot add hyperlinks to your bio.

Instagram: If you did not add your IG account when initially setting up on the Clubhouse app you can scroll to the bottom where you will see the Instagram logo along with the words “Add Instagram.” Tap on that and you’ll be prompted to log into your Facebook account to connect your Instagram account.

Twitter: To add your Twitter profile, go to your Clubhouse profile and scroll to the bottom. There, you’ll see the Twitter logo along with the words “Add Twitter.” Tap on that and you’ll be prompted to log into Twitter and connect your account.

This is important because while you are in a room or moderating in a room people will peruse your profile, click on your IG and either follow you or DM you if they want to connect.

Clubhouse also hosts rooms to teach you more about the app. Also, if you go to your page in the corner is a small wheel that you can click on to find more Clubhouse resources, including updates on the app, FAQ, guidelines and more.

Clubhouse is definitely trending so tune in and enjoy. It has even caught the attention of both Facebook and Twitter which both platforms are piloting similar features. So, if knowledge, connecting socially and building relationships and contacts sounds great while we are spending more time in the house, join clubhouse but here is my Public Service Announcement (PSA): “it is addicting”.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at And, for those trying to navigate the tough Indie music business, please check out my book, For the Record book and course to get a deeper understanding of the music biz in order to SAVE TIME and MAKE MONEY. Thanks, Debbie

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